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We focus on the development of unique and innovative solutions for the textile market. We invest in the future. We believe in working together and discover unexpected ways to face the challenges of the future.


Bringing textiles to life since 1977

For over 40 years, Devan has been providing high-tech finishing chemicals to the worldwide textile markets. Focusing strongly on unique and innovative solutions, research & development is at the heart of the company. That’s because rather than being the biggest, we want to be the best.

Our ever-evolving range of technologies and functionalities is quite extensive, but there’s one thing that all technologies have in common: helping you differentiate from competitors.

To top it off, we offer a unique and cross-border support package, making sure our technologies perform as we promised you.

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tags: Functional Finishing For Textiles – Innovate Solutions For Textile Market – Performance Textiles – Cooling For Textiles – Cool Comfort Technology – 

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